Yuetong Wang

Yuetong Wang, Small Gallery, 2023.Seal carving. Courtesy of Small Gallery.

Yuetong Wang is a Beijing-based artist and lecturer. She holds a PhD in Fine Arts (Calligraphy) at the Capital Normal University. She is currently a lecturer at the School of Chinese Classics of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Yuetong is especially skilled in running script calligraphy and seal cutting. By studying ancient Chinese calligraphers Mi Fu and Zhao Mengfu, she created her own calligraphy style. Her seal cutting works come in two types: characters cut in intaglio and characters cut in relief.
Yuetong regularly accepts seal cutting commissions, allowing patrons to experience the beauty of Chinese written characters on stone materials. The Chinese seal – later turned Logo – of Small Gallery is just one of many examples.
For commission inquiries, please email to smallgallery@outlook.com

Yuetong Wang, A Poem from the Tang Dynasty on a Chinese Fan. Ink on paper, 70 x 34 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
Yuetong Wang, Running Script on Chinese Couplets. Ink on paper, 34 x 70 cm.
Courtesy of the artist.